Tri One Final Reflection
My Score on the MC Final
What I got Wrong and Corrections
- Question #8
The correct answer is actually B because the procedure creates a copy of numList called newList. The elements are assigned to each of the other arrays. Therefore, the difference between numList and newList is that the elements are interchanged. The procedure only works if j and k are valid list indices, so it is important to document that j and k are both between 1 and LENGTH(numList), inclusive.
- Question #36
The correct answer is actually C because the first iteration of the loop, twice the value of i, or 2, is appended to evenList, and then i is incremented to 2. For the second iteration of the loop, twice the value of i, or 4, is appended to the list, and then i is incremented to 3. This continues eight more times, appending the next eight even numbers to evenList. This code segment will generate the list [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20].
- Question #43
This is the correct answer C because the variables x and result are initialized to 0. Inside the loop, result is increased by x and x is increased by 1. Since the loop stops when X goes over 5. Therefore, result is assigned the sum of the integers from 0 to 5, or 15.
- Question #47
D is the correct answer. The first five statements assign values to the variables. The sixth statement assigns the value of x + b (which is 40) to b. The seventh statement assigns the value of x + 1 (which is 21) to a. The eighth statement assigns the value of c + d / 2 to d. According to the order of operations, division has higher precedence than addition. Since c is 30 and d / 2 is 20, d is assigned the value 50. The last four statements display the values of a, b, c, and d.
My thoughts on the test
I did a lot better than what I was expecting. There were a decent amount I had to guess or were unsure of. For binary, I had no idea what I was doing so I was surprised I guessed them correctly. A lot of the test was analyzing code which can be very frustrating because there so many places you can go wrong. That is why I got these 4 wrong, I understood the code it was because of small, silly mistakes I made. Overall, the test was easy to get above 50 percent and I think if I actually studied I could get a good grade on the AP exam.
My thoughts on the Trimester
This trimester was very nice for Computer Science. At first in class it can be confusing but working with my group and friends helped me figure out what I needed to do and how todo it. I was able to get a solid grade each week upholding my grade by alot. My only struggle was the final project because we had internal group issues but due to my high garde, I didn’t have to try very hard. Next tri I want to try to become more independent and also get a better grade on my final and not be as clueless.