Night of the Museum Tri 2

DEJMO Fitness (My Project)

  • We have a fitness site where users can store their diets by inputting them under a username. They are able to toggle throughout the diets and edit them or delete them. Users can input their diets through the macro information of the diets and they can name them/put notes describing them.

CSP project (Samit) Inventory Tracker

  • This is a project I found very cool as it is very similar to my feature. This is Samit’s feature which is bassicly like mine execept it stores inventories of companies instead. Companies are able to input, edit, and delete items in their stock through this table. My takeaway from this is that our features are very similar.

CSP Project (Azeem) Triple AJ Arcade

  • This program has a bunch of games you can play like ping pong, reaction time, snake, and hi-lo where you guess a number. There’s also a leaderboard to see who’s the best. The point of the program is to have fun and compete with your friends. To save your progress, the program uses lists and networking to connect the Github Pages and Flask API database.

Other Projects at the N@TM


  • I found a really cool teapot and mug set at the pottery exhibit. The teapot looked like a little house and the cup looked like a flower. The colors on the pottery were very well done and the design looked very neat.

3D Animation

  • I saw a 3D animated donut and thought it was really cool. I found out blender is a software utilized for 3D Animation. I learned that this class is fun and interesting and is open to more exploring. I have high intrests in taking this class for my fine art credits senior year!

N@TM Summary

  • The Night of Museum was a good experience for me. I was able to see my fellow peers and all their CPT projects and it helped me draw inspiration. Some of the projects I saw really did blow me away such as Samits and Azeems inventory tracker and arcade. Viewing these csp projects helped me learn improvements I need to mak. Other classes such as Ceramics and 3D Animation were also cool and helped me think of what fine arts to take. I am currently learning towards 3d animation, learning a breif overview of the class blew me away and I think it could be something I enjoy and pick up easily. Overall, exploring other CPT projects and other fine art classes was a great experience.