Submission 1

Section Score Explanation College board Score
1 1 There is a function and a purpose which are correct showing the outputs as a game of rock paper scissors College Board gave the point due to the fact all was correct
2 0 Shows how he used RP5 to store data but didnt use the code segment in the actual function Collegeboard didnt they diddnt acsess data from the list so there was no storage.
3 0 the data and code that was atempted to be written was not able to be simplified without it being complex as they could have used conditionals They didnt give a point as the data could have been used within a list and conditional
4 0 only one parameter set which didnt serve purpose for code which didnt meet requirements for as it was stated to move the process smoothly No point was given as it didnt have peramaters and funcitionaly through the code
5 1 Had an if statement known as RPS which meant that A point was given as the algorithms and conditionals were used
6 1 The app was tested very well and it included all parts of testing for the app College Board also gave this person a 1 as the testing works and the application is valid.

Submission 2

Section Score Explanation College board Score
1 1 Video had a clear input and output which is required also purpose is clear in the written explanation. As it is to serve as entertainment for the user College board gave the point as all work was clear and consise and completely included
2 1 The response shows how data is store in order to itterate the list of letofguessword which stores data and is acsess througout the code. Collegeboard gave him a point because the code segments displayed were accurate and it stored correct data
3 1 It used the game for the user to guess the word and kept a data storage which made it simple It was given a 1 since they used to guess word to the user which kept everything simpler
4 1 Guess word parameter was usen giving it a 1 College board gave the point due to the fact the program was developed accurate and purposeful with the many parameters leaving the user to guess the word
5 1 Repeated loop with replace list meeting the criteria. Also used booleans to check true or false in order to keep word accuracy College board gave the 1 due to the fact the loops and many parameters implemented a lot of algorithms with accuracy
6 1 The word guessser was very good and all part were correct College Board also gave this person a 1 as the testing works and the application is valid.

Submission 3

Section Score Explanation College board Score
1 1 Video had a clear input and output which is required also the response contained clear funtion/purpose. A point was given as written respnse and inpus/outputs met criteria.
2 0 A list was made but data storage wasnt used Collegeboard didnt give the point as the data wasnt being pulled out from anywhere leaving there to be nothing put into the data.
3 0 it doesent talk about managing complexity as it only talks about using a list No point was given due to the fact no data storage was used
4 0 No parameters were used with left there no procedures No point as all the critera was not met
5 0 They use update screen however no other algorthms were used leaving the code to be pointless No point given as code was inacurate for this criteria
6 0 The app was tested very well and it included all parts of testing for the app the point College board didnt give the point as they beleived the app was not doing as said which is why a 0 was given

Submision 4

Section Score Explanation College board Score
1 1 Purpose and fucntion were defined correclty and inputs and outputs were shown with the use of moving keys to fish All criteria was met giving the student a point
2 1 uses a list called fish types which show how data is stored leaving to be kept in one area with distinct characteristics A point was given due to the fact the person kept the data collected form the game
3 1 the data and code used a list of lists to keep everthing simple rather than using multiple lists and procedures The point was given as code was broken down into simpler parts.
4 1 had clone movement parameter which kept everything runnig and with procedures A point was given as the code contained parameters
5 1 An algorithm for height and movement for set keeping game moving which met all criteria point given as the loop was showed purpose and a funtion with the movement clone and rage
6 1 explanation differs from the code and parameters set which doesent meet criteria College Board didnt give point as the explanation was weak and dodnt correlate with the game.