Lists, Dictionaries, Iterations
Adding Records to InfoDb
InfoDb = []
# Append to List a Dictionary of key/values related to a person and cars
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Mortensen",
"DOB": "October 21",
"Residence": "San Diego",
"Email": "",
"Owns_Cars": ["2015-Fusion", "2011-Ranger", "2003-Excursion", "1997-F350", "1969-Cadillac"]
# Append to List a 2nd Dictionary of key/values
"FirstName": "Sunny",
"LastName": "Naidu",
"DOB": "August 2",
"Residence": "Temecula",
"Email": "",
"Owns_Cars": ["4Runner"]
"FirstName": "Martin",
"LastName": "Nguyen",
"DOB": "October 15",
"Residence": "4S Ranch, San Diego",
"Email": "",
"Owns_Cars": ["None"]})
"FirstName": "Jeffery",
"LastName": "Guo",
"DOB": "July 30",
"Residence": "Carmel Valley, San Diego",
"Email": "",
"Owns_Cars": ["BMW"]})
# Print the data structure
Martys_family = ["Barron", "Ben", "Brinley", "Martin", "Chuck", "Minh"]
# reverse the order of list elements
print('Reversed List:', Martys_family)
For Loop Demonstration
def print_data(info):
print(info["FirstName"], info["LastName"]) # using comma puts space between values
print("\t", "Residence:", info["Residence"]) # \t is a tab indent
print("\t", "Birth Day:", info["DOB"])
print("\t", "Cars: ", end="") # end="" make sure no return occurs
print(",".join(info["Owns_Cars"])) # join allows printing a string list with separator
# for loop algorithm iterates on length of InfoDb
def for_loop():
print("For loop output\n")
for info in InfoDb:
While Loop Demonstration
def while_loop():
print("While loop output\n")
print("This loop continues to print until the length of the InfoDb is met\n")
i = 0
while i < len(InfoDb):
info = InfoDb[i]
i += 1
Recursion loop demonstration
def MartysRecursive(i):
if i < len(InfoDb):
info = InfoDb[i]
MartysRecursive(i + 1)
print("Recursive loop output\n")
print("This is an alternate version of the while loop that calls itself until the conditions of the loop are met.\n")
Python Quiz utilizing dictionaries and lists
questions = 5 #number of quiz questions
correct = 0 #initialize number of correct answers as 0
print("This is a 5 question NBA Quiz :)")
def question_and_answer(prompt, answer):
print("Question: " + prompt) #asks user a question
message = input() #takes user's input as variable msg
print("Answer: " + message) #print user's input as Answer
if answer == message:
print("Correct Answer")
global correct #allows to modify variable outside of current scope
correct += 1 #add 1 to correct count
print ("Incorrect Answer")
return message
question_1 = question_and_answer("How many championships have the Lakers won?", "17")
question_2 = question_and_answer("How many championships have the Celtics won?", "17")
question_3 = question_and_answer("Whos the best shooter in the NBA?", "Stephen Curry")
question_4 = question_and_answer("What is the most points score in a game?", "100")
question_5 = question_and_answer("Who is the leading scorer in all time points?", "Kareem Abdul Jabbar")
if correct < 3:
print(f'You scored {correct} correct answers out of 5, you know nothing!')
elif correct < 5:
print(f'You scored {correct} correct answers out of 5, your somwhat of a fan!')
print(f'You scored {correct} correct answers out of 5, you really are a true NBA fan!')
Quiz = {
"Q_1": question_1,
"Q_2": question_2,
"Q_3": question_3,
"Q_4": question_4,
"Q_5": question_5
print("A record of your quiz:", Quiz)