Submission 1 Grading

Row # Row Name Score Comments
Row 1 Program Purpose and Function 0/1 explains purpose but does not show functionality, actual actions of code
Row 2 Data Abstraction 0/1 does not contain code segments that show how data is stored
Row 3 Managing Complexity 0/1 does not conatin code segments that show how complexity is managed
Row 4 Procedural Abstraction 1/1 all criteria is met, shows and explains procedure with code
Row 5 Algorithm Implementation 0/1 contains sequencing, iteration, and selection with code but lacks depth in explanation
Row 6 Testing 1/1 shows two calls, their conditions, and their results

Submission 1 Discrepancies

Row 4: student does not explain how functionality contributes to overall functionality of program

Submission 2

Row # Row Name Score Comments
Row 1 Program Purpose and Function 1/1 all criteria is met, shows input, output in video and explains in writing
Row 2 Data Abstraction 1/1 all criteria is met, explains lists used in code and identifies/explains variables, describes what variables mean in program,
Row 3 Managing Complexity 1/1 all criteria is met, shows code segment , explains how it manages complexity
Row 4 Procedural Abstraction 1/1 all criteria is met, shows two code segments with procedure and call, contribution to overall funcitonality
Row 5 Algorithm Implementation 1/1 all criteria is met, algorithm shown includes sequencing, selection, and iteration in deatiled steps
Row 6 Testing 1/1 all criteria is met, describes two unique procedure calls and what the procedure does, result of each call

Discrepancy: none

Submission 3

Row # Row Name Score Comments
Row 1 Program Purpose and Function 0/1 The explanation describes the purpose but not function of the program
Row 2 Data Abstraction 1/1 all criteria is met, explains lists used in code and identifies/explains variables, describes what variables mean in program
Row 3 Managing Complexity 1/1 all criteria is met, shows firstCharacterlist list, explains how it manages complexity
Row 4 Procedural Abstraction 1/1 all criteria is met, shows two code segments with procedure and call, contribution to overall funcitonality
Row 5 Algorithm Implementation 1/1 all criteria is met, algorithm "findwinner" shown explains sequencing, selection, and iteration in deatil
Row 6 Testing 1/1 all criteria is met, describes two unique procedure calls with two different characrter pairs and what the procedure does, result of each call

Discrepancy: none

Submission 4

Row # Row Name Score Comments
Row 1 Program Purpose and Function 1/1 all criteria is met, shows different letter inputs like f, r, a in video and explains in writing
Row 2 Data Abstraction 0/1 shows variable/name of list and append action in code, but does not show actual list
Row 3 Managing Complexity 1/1 all criteria is met, proves complexity management with explanation and code segments
Row 4 Procedural Abstraction 1/1 all criteria is met, explains function isitcorrect with parameters and how it contributes to program
Row 5 Algorithm Implementation 1/1 all criteria is met, algorithm shown includes sequencing, selection, and iteration, and explains in detail
Row 6 Testing 0/1 all criteria is met, states two unique procedure calls and what the procedure does but does not state specific call in context of code/program

Discrepancy: In Row 3, the student shows how the code manages complexity but does not explain it in words.